17-10-2024, 07:58 PM
31-10-2024, 12:31 PM
Velero sueco a las piedras de madrugada en la entrada a Baiona....despiste gordo parece ser.
31-10-2024, 01:06 PM
(31-10-2024, 12:31 PM)Capella escribió: [ -> ]Velero sueco a las piedras de madrugada en la entrada a Baiona....despiste gordo parece ser.
Que desgracia!..las arribadas de noche a sitios desconocidos nunca son fáciles. La noche estaba super tranquila...a no ser que no tuviese intención de entrar y se quedara dormido...pero la entrada de Baiona tiene su aquel, si te desvías al otro lado, los Carallones raro es el día del año que perdonen, y el viento suele calmar cuando te acercas a la entrada..
A ver si consiguen sacarlo por tierra o repararlo para reflotar antes de que lo destroce el mar, debió varar con marea alta. No está habiendo mucho mar, pero lo que haya, ahí lo coge todo.
31-10-2024, 03:44 PM
Y fácil de saquear el barco donde está, espero que lo saquen pronto y que haya civismo, aunque algunos verá oportunidad está noche de sacar tajada
31-10-2024, 04:18 PM
Aquí apuntan que se quedó inconsciente hasta que golpeó la costa, yo interpretó que eso es dormirse ya que dice que al chocar despertó.
17-11-2024, 09:38 AM
Para los aficionados al género de terror
03-12-2024, 06:43 AM
Este es tu lago, Gypsylion?
Que ha pasado? Han volcado y no han podido siquiera subirse al casco?..
Que ha pasado? Han volcado y no han podido siquiera subirse al casco?..
03-12-2024, 08:34 AM
No, ese es el lago de constanza o Bodensee, que lo atraviesa el Rin. Hace frontera con Alemania, Austria y Suiza.
Los regatistas de 38 y 39 años los encontraron muertos en la parte Suiza del Canton Turgau.
Se desconocen las causas del siniestro.
Los regatistas de 38 y 39 años los encontraron muertos en la parte Suiza del Canton Turgau.
Se desconocen las causas del siniestro.
08-12-2024, 09:11 PM
Ataque de piratas en las islas Los Frailes, de Venezuela
"Pan Pan Pan Pan, my friends on SV Supernova were boarded and attacked by pirates near Islas Los Frailes 11°27.976' N 063°23.585' W 🇻🇪 Venezuela yesterday morning 2024-12-07 around 0600 AM local time .
( SUPERNOVA IS AN OCEAN P-OSSE VESSEL # 004 a Canadian Flagged Prout 46' ) Cat My friend called me on -WhatsApp in a panic and said he fought with boarders and threw them overboard and didn't know what to do. Other men in a panga appeared to have guns. He and his girlfriend sustained minor injuries in the fight. I told them to get moving and they were able get their catamaran moving north at over 9kts in heavy seas and the pirates did not continue to pursue. Supernova had departed Grand Roque Venezuela after spending 12 days touring the Los Roques Islands in Venezuela, documenting their experiences for their YouTube channel. Using an agent they legally entered, checked in and had visas and permits to be in Venezuela. Supernova was approx. 200nm east of Grand Roque when the attack took place. After I received the call, I issued a Pan Pan on ch 16 from my vessel anchored in Prickly Bay Grenada. A charter vessel in St George's responded as did the airport tower. The airport tower notified the Grenada Coast Guard who in turn also contacted the Trinidad Coast Guard. I provided the Supernova crew with the phone number to call the Grenada Coast Guard who received a report of the incident. The GCG advised them to set course for Prickly Bay and maintain contact with GCG. This was a very close call for my friends on Supernova. As of 1400 local time in Grenada, they are still around 80nm SW of Grenada and should arrive in Prickly Bay Sunday morning. I cannot imagine the terror they must have felt and the PTSD from which they may need to recover. They will prepare a report for CSSN as soon as they can. For God's sake stay well clear of Venezuelan Islands."
reported by SY DARK HORSE
"Pan Pan Pan Pan, my friends on SV Supernova were boarded and attacked by pirates near Islas Los Frailes 11°27.976' N 063°23.585' W 🇻🇪 Venezuela yesterday morning 2024-12-07 around 0600 AM local time .
( SUPERNOVA IS AN OCEAN P-OSSE VESSEL # 004 a Canadian Flagged Prout 46' ) Cat My friend called me on -WhatsApp in a panic and said he fought with boarders and threw them overboard and didn't know what to do. Other men in a panga appeared to have guns. He and his girlfriend sustained minor injuries in the fight. I told them to get moving and they were able get their catamaran moving north at over 9kts in heavy seas and the pirates did not continue to pursue. Supernova had departed Grand Roque Venezuela after spending 12 days touring the Los Roques Islands in Venezuela, documenting their experiences for their YouTube channel. Using an agent they legally entered, checked in and had visas and permits to be in Venezuela. Supernova was approx. 200nm east of Grand Roque when the attack took place. After I received the call, I issued a Pan Pan on ch 16 from my vessel anchored in Prickly Bay Grenada. A charter vessel in St George's responded as did the airport tower. The airport tower notified the Grenada Coast Guard who in turn also contacted the Trinidad Coast Guard. I provided the Supernova crew with the phone number to call the Grenada Coast Guard who received a report of the incident. The GCG advised them to set course for Prickly Bay and maintain contact with GCG. This was a very close call for my friends on Supernova. As of 1400 local time in Grenada, they are still around 80nm SW of Grenada and should arrive in Prickly Bay Sunday morning. I cannot imagine the terror they must have felt and the PTSD from which they may need to recover. They will prepare a report for CSSN as soon as they can. For God's sake stay well clear of Venezuelan Islands."
reported by SY DARK HORSE
13-12-2024, 09:16 PM
No sabía donde poner esta noticia, si aquí o en "es la economía, estúpidos" pero como va de piratas y catástrofes me he decidido por este sitio
España se queda sin los 855 millones de euros por el vertido del Prestige
España se queda sin los 855 millones de euros por el vertido del Prestige
14-12-2024, 01:36 AM
(13-12-2024, 09:16 PM)Nerderel escribió: [ -> ]No sabía donde poner esta noticia, si aquí o en "es la economía, estúpidos" pero como va de piratas y catástrofes me he decidido por este sitio
España se queda sin los 855 millones de euros por el vertido del Prestige
Piratería, sin duda..vas tú a querer cobrarle algo a un seguro inglés...
La "justicia" no es más que la vaselina que se usa para que creas que tienes derecho a algo
17-12-2024, 05:26 PM
(08-12-2024, 09:11 PM)caribdis escribió: [ -> ]Ataque de piratas en las islas Los Frailes, de Venezuela
"Pan Pan Pan Pan, my friends on SV Supernova were boarded and attacked by pirates near Islas Los Frailes 11°27.976' N 063°23.585' W 🇻🇪 Venezuela yesterday morning 2024-12-07 around 0600 AM local time .
( SUPERNOVA IS AN OCEAN P-OSSE VESSEL # 004 a Canadian Flagged Prout 46' ) Cat My friend called me on -WhatsApp in a panic and said he fought with boarders and threw them overboard and didn't know what to do. Other men in a panga appeared to have guns. He and his girlfriend sustained minor injuries in the fight. I told them to get moving and they were able get their catamaran moving north at over 9kts in heavy seas and the pirates did not continue to pursue. Supernova had departed Grand Roque Venezuela after spending 12 days touring the Los Roques Islands in Venezuela, documenting their experiences for their YouTube channel. Using an agent they legally entered, checked in and had visas and permits to be in Venezuela. Supernova was approx. 200nm east of Grand Roque when the attack took place. After I received the call, I issued a Pan Pan on ch 16 from my vessel anchored in Prickly Bay Grenada. A charter vessel in St George's responded as did the airport tower. The airport tower notified the Grenada Coast Guard who in turn also contacted the Trinidad Coast Guard. I provided the Supernova crew with the phone number to call the Grenada Coast Guard who received a report of the incident. The GCG advised them to set course for Prickly Bay and maintain contact with GCG. This was a very close call for my friends on Supernova. As of 1400 local time in Grenada, they are still around 80nm SW of Grenada and should arrive in Prickly Bay Sunday morning. I cannot imagine the terror they must have felt and the PTSD from which they may need to recover. They will prepare a report for CSSN as soon as they can. For God's sake stay well clear of Venezuelan Islands."
reported by SY DARK HORSE
Ya cuando anduve por aquellas aguas en 2010 navegar por los alrededores de la isla de Margarita, suponía un alto riesgo de abordaje por parte de los piratas, el archipiélago de los Frailes se encuentra al noreste de la isla, muy cerca de costa.
De hecho, en Porlamar, en uno de los fondeaderos más recurrentes de Margarita, hubo varios asaltos en veleros por esos años.
En mi última salida de Venezuela, regresando en conserva con el velero Mosquito Valiente, hacia Grenada por el sur de Margarita, me avisó mi amigo, por radio, que se acercaba un peñero por su popa, inmediatamente reduje la marcha para que se acercase el Mosquito, puse en la popa una gran bandera venezolana, que un amigo me había regalado antes del viaje, siguiendo los consejos del gran navegante Avelino Bassols, en su libro "Andorra entre Alisios y Tifones"
Íbamos tres a bordo, mi amigo Carlos, su mujer y yo, a ella la indiqué que se metiese dentro y no se asomara y a él que adoptase una actitud como que llevaba algo en las manos, sin mostrar nada. Creo que esa puesta en escena, sobre todo por la bandera, nos evitó un asalto, porque la lancha, con cuatro individuos a bordo, pasó cerca, saludaron y siguieron su camino hacia ninguna parte, porque por la proa solo se encontraba Grenada a 150 millas.
17-12-2024, 05:41 PM
¡¡¡Qué divertido!!!
17-12-2024, 07:04 PM
La información actualizada sobre los incidentes de seguridad en la zona del Caribe
A tener en cuenta a la hora de navegar aquellas aguas
A tener en cuenta a la hora de navegar aquellas aguas
18-12-2024, 12:29 AM
Sigue habiendo mucha información básica para todo el mundo en:
Contra la piratería, yo estoy convencido: información, información, información...
Contra la piratería, yo estoy convencido: información, información, información...